Introduction to SBW2024

The Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop (SBW) is an annual event that has been organized by different universities in Sweden since 2000. It is the biggest meeting of bioinformaticians and computational biologists in Sweden.

This year, we are happy to announce that the event will take place in Uppsala, November 4-5 at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The event is targeted at and organized by PhD students and postdocs, but it's open to everyone working with any kind of bioinformatics or computational biology.

Senior scientists and non-academic participants are welcome. In addition, the SBW2024 is part of the Nordic Computational Biology (Nordic CompBio) week and is open to participants from other Nordic countries. Visit Nordic CompBio for more information and updates on regional programmes.


Registration is now open! For more information on registration and abstract submission, please visit the registration page.